Let me introduce myself! My name is Haley, I'm a 29-year-old Rhode Island native, currently living in New York with my husband. Regardless of your location, we can connect and make some incredible strides together! I'm passionate about maintaining a healthy lifestyle - whether it's hitting the gym, playing beach volleyball, or snowboarding the east coast in the winter. I'm all about finding that perfect balance using the 80/20 mindset.

I embarked on my personal fitness journey about a decade ago after gaining the freshman 15, or in my case, the freshman 20. Prior to that point, my upbringing had consisted of limited vegetables and a lot of processed snacks. I came to the realization that a complete lifestyle change was imperative if I wanted to feel my best. Fast-forward to the present day, and I am currently at my healthiest self and continue to improve on this day after day. This achievement did not transpire overnight; rather, it carried me through countless years of experimentation, learning from both successes and failures, until I ultimately perceived the path that resonated most harmoniously with my body and mind. Rest assured that although the journey may be tough and take time, I firmly believe that it is within our collective power to achieve it.

My career is in Gastrointestinal Health as a Physician Assistant - and although I will not be giving medical advice - I wholeheartedly believe that what we put into our bodies and how we move them can be powerful medicine. I went the extra mile to further my education and become a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach. I'm excited to share with you all the wisdom, knowledge, and secrets that I've gathered along my journey.

So let's get ready for some transformative conversations! I am here to listen, guide, and help you achieve those goals that you've been dreaming of. Together, we'll unleash your full potential and create a life that radiates vitality and well-being without the stress of counting calories or macros, working out for hours in the gym, and completely cutting out all of your favorite foods. I cannot wait to dive in and embark on this incredible journey with you. Get ready, this is going to change your life!

All my best,



Optimizing health through holistic nutrition and movement